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5 Essential Channels for Your Online Platform

Your online presence postures your business + books to people around the world who are looking for you - but is it as strong as it could be? It is easy to be overwhelmed by everything we need to accomplish in a week - muchless in a single day - and you can forget essential components that bolster your online profile.


In this show, Molly will share with you 5 Online Essentials you need in place these days to ensure you are maximizing and optimizing your online presence.


Listen here


You'll get tips and pointers for:

  • Website Essentials
  • Social Media Channel Essentials
  • Email Marketing Channel Essentials
  • Relationship Development Channel Essentials
  • Sales Channel Essentials


Plus, a Time Management Strategy to be clear on where you need to focus your efforts weekly.


Get the free checklist right here



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Know You, Like You, Trust You

What is the big secret to sales?


I know that question alone can be uncomfortable, especially for those of us who don't want to be 'sales-y' or feel like we have to manipulate people with the right words in order to get them to buy something from us (YUCK!). 


More importantly, how can you generate trust with people?


Your ability to be authentic and real is truly your greatest sales strategy.


Watch this short video in my free video library to help shift the energy of 'sales' within you.


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How To Publish Your Awesome Book on Kindle



Are you ready to move from being a writer to a published author? 


My new online course gives you everything you need to get your book on Amazon.


Through video tutorials, I guide you through the full process of publishing on the Kindle platform.


Get access to the exact formatting guidelines to follow, how to upload your final manuscript, what you need to research in advance, and every necessary step so you can finally click "publish" and make your dreams of being an author a reality.


Come over here for even more information on this new tutorial.


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How To Create 3 Types of Work Periods


Feeling overwhelmed by everything on your To Do list? 


Yep. Tell me about it. The list can quickly become a LOT of tasks and projects that require your attention and time and then MORE time than expected.


So how can you prioritize what to do and when?


In this video, I share with you how to maximize your time and make progress on various priorities. One solution that has worked very well for me is dividing your time into different areas of focus. 


I hope these tips help you get clearer with how to organize your day and make serious progress on what you can control. 



Watch this 10 minute video right over here in the free online video library. 


Sign in to your account here, or create a new free account by signing up below. 

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Business Clean Up and Priorities

Time to get clear about your business priorities and clean up what needs your attention in a new year. Get rid of clutter, clean out what is done, and re-focus on what is important.


In this podcast, we'll look at a few simple and effective steps you can take to ensure your business and online presence is in top shape right now. 


Listen here


Be sure to listen to the episode on Business Trends to help you focus on what is important right  now.  


Plus, I have a new YouTube channel with more tips on writing right here.



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Monthly Astrology Webinars Now Available


Every month, take a look at the upcoming astrological energies and how they will show up in your natal chart, including:


- See what the New Moon and Full Moon are activating in your chart during each lunar cycle


- Look at the conversations between Mercury, Venus and Mars as they move through the month and connect with your natal planets


- Follow the transiting Sun and what it is highlighting in your life


- Track the movements of the slower-moving outer planets and see what they are revealing to you right now 


- Identify big energy periods in the month ahead and plan accordingly


- Is it your birthday month? Take a look at solar return energies that will be highlighted for you around your special day


- Come back and review the webinar as often as you like



Monthly webinars will be regularly released to help you with planning purposes and expectations for the month ahead.



Check out the latest...

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Business Development Podcasts and Videos on New YouTube Channel


Now it's easier to stay informed and follow along with business development topics over at my new YouTube channel that focuses only on content for solopreneurs and online healers. 


You'll find information, training, and guidance in one place, including podcasts, and some of my training videos. 


And heads up, this YouTube channel is different than my "main" YT channel which features astrology and spiritual development topics. 


Subscribe right here. 


See you over there!


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Success In The Name of Sisterhood with MODERN HEROINE SOUL STORIES


Are you feeling stuck or uncertain about what to do next?


Do the energies, or choices, feel overwhelming because you know it is a pivotal time in your life?


The good news is that we are here to help each other move through big choice points and to do so with even greater trust in yourself. Our international bestselling book, Modern Heroine Soul Stories, was created for exactly that purpose - and it's on sale throughout the month of July to help you navigate your next steps.


In this special collection of female experiences, meet 24 real women - who feel like new friends - as they openly and courageously share with you their private struggles and unexpected life developments.


From divorce, friendships ending, questioning her life direction, and life-threatening health challenges, to losing her mom, becoming a mom, moving through inner pain, spiritual growth, and many more topics, every story is shared openly and from her heart.



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Sales Conversion Tactics: The Con, The Hustle, The Exaggerations

How do you present, market, and sell your offerings with value?


There are a number of approaches people use to convert their leads into sales, and yet you may not be aware of what is really happening under the surface of these tactics. 


We'll look at various approaches to getting people's money, including The Con, The Hustle, and The Exaggerations that are commonly used online.


I'll share with you examples of each of these approaches, plus help you get clearer on how you want to genuinely connect with your people in a valuable way. 


Listen here to this new episode


New weekly podcast for awake and conscious entrepreneurs, authors, healers, experts, and teachers! Inspiring, real world stories every week about clients, readers, business and books to support building your dream career. We'll discuss Business and Books topics to help you grow as an entrepreneur, author, solopreneur, healer, or anyone offering their gifts to the world.

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Biz Quiz: What Is Essential When You Partner With Another Professional?

Are you wondering if you should do a joint venture with another person in your field or profession?

It could be for an online project, a webinar, a class, a book - any number of possibilities.  Co-creating can have a number of rewards for both people. 

There are excellent reasons for working together with someone who adds value and expertise to a shared project. 




Before you go too far down the partnership path, please consider these points I call out in this latest Biz Quiz video so you establish the necessary terms in advance. 


Watch the short video with clear answers right here in the online video library. 


Sign in to your account here, or create a new free account by signing up below. 



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