Generators are the dominant Type on the planet with nearly 70% of the population. They are the driving life force of the planet. Their strategy is to respond, and through response to find satisfaction and avoid frustration. They have an open and enveloping aura, and need to learn about themselves.
Projectors are around 20% of the population. Their strategy is to wait for the Invitation to find success and avoid bitterness. They have a focused and absorbing aura, and need to learn about and understand the other.
Manifestors are about nine percent of the population. Their strategy is to inform before they act to find peace and avoid anger. They have a closed and repelling aura, and are here to understand their impact on others.
Reflectors are without definition and are just over one percent of the population. Their strategy is to wait a full cycle of the moon before making decisions to find clarity, leading to a life of more surprise and less disappointment. They have a resistant and sampling aura, and are learning to reflect rather than identify.
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Human Design is a great tool for understanding how you can thrive professionally. Should you work with groups or one-on-one with others? Are you a leader or would a dedicated supporting role be better for you? Have you always struggled with a role and now you want to find new answers?
Just to share: Molly is not a Human Design System guide or expert. She is sharing this information for those who are ready to go further in understanding their personal energy fields, as well as how astrology is used in other energy systems. Please see the official Human Design System website, Jovian Archive, for more information.
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